Sunday, September 28, 2008

Kimkins Gummi Candy

Why spend $ for store bought sugar free Jello cups? Try this easy recipe and you'll always have a treat on hand. Pour the mix into silicone candy molds and have a guilt free indulgence a few times a day! Keep in the fridge, covered.

The procedure is a little different to avoid the odd taste from heating aspartame:

  • 1 packet of Knox gelatin
  • 1.5 cups "strong" Crystal Light or 1 cup flat diet soda
  • .5 cup boiling water
Mix the gelatin and boiling water in a heat proof bowl. Stir for 30 seconds until gelatin is melted (check the spoon, there should be no granules). Let bowl sit on the counter for 20-30 minutes until lukewarm, then add Crystal Light or diet soda. Stir to mix and put it in the fridge for 2 hours or until set. This method gives a much better flavor than heating all of the liquids to boiling which destabilizes the aspartame.